
Add crypto prices to Google Sheets.

This article shows you how to add crypto prices to Google Sheets, so you can track the value of your investments over time.

How to add crypto prices to your Google Sheets

To add crypto prices to your Google Sheets, follow these steps:

1. Open your Google Sheets spreadsheet.

2. Click the "Data" tab at the top of the window.

3. Click "Add Data Source."

4. In the "Data source" dialog box, click "Google Sheets."

5. In the "Connection" field, enter your Google Sheets account's username and password.

6. In the "Name" field, enter "Crypto Prices."

7. In the "Type" field, select "Column."

8. In the "Dataset" field, select "Bitcoin."

9. Click the "OK" button.

10. In the "Data" tab, click the "Bitcoin" column title.

11. In the "Values" tab, click the "Format" drop-down menu and select "Percentage."

12. Click the "OK" button.

13. In the "Data" tab, click the "Close" button.

3 steps to adding cryptocurrency prices to Google Sheets

1. Create a new sheet in Google Sheets and name it "Cryptocurrency Prices".

2. Add the following formulas to the sheet:




3. Choose the "Data" tab and select "Sheet Views" from the menu on the right.

4. Select the "Cryptocurrency Prices" sheet in the list of sheets and drag it to the top of the screen.

5. Select the cells C2, C3, and C4 and click the "Format Cells" button on the toolbar.

6. In the "Format Cells" dialog box, choose "Number" from the "Style" menu and click OK.

7. Change the "Number Format" setting to "Decimal", and then click OK.

8. Click the "Input Values" tab, and enter the values for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple into the appropriate cells.

9. Click the "Calculate" button, and the values for the cryptocurrency prices will be displayed in the cells above the sheet.

The easy way to get crypto prices in Google Sheets

To get the current prices of cryptocurrencies in Google Sheets, use the following function:


This will return the current BTC-USD exchange rate.

A beginner's guide to adding crypto prices in Google Sheets

1. Open Google Sheets and create a new sheet.

2. In the new sheet, click on the "Data" tab.

3. In the "Data Sources" section, click on the "Google Sheets" icon.

4. In the "Sheet name" field, enter the name of the sheet you created in step 1.

5. In the "Query" field, enter the following code:

SELECT crypto_price FROM crypto_rates

6. Click on the "OK" button to run the query.

7. In the "Output" section, you will see the crypto prices for the different tokens.

How to quickly add cryptocurre

How to quickly add cryptocurrency prices to Google Sheets

1. Open Google Sheets and click on the “File” menu item.

2. Select “Make a copy”.

3. Click on the “Sheets” tab.

4. Select “Add a new column…” and select “Cryptocurrency prices”.

5. Enter the cryptocurrency you want to track in the “Column name” field and select the currency symbol from the dropdown menu.

6. Click on the “OK” button.

7. The cryptocurrency prices will now be added to your Google Sheets spreadsheet.

The simplest way to track crypto prices in Google Sheets

To track crypto prices in Google Sheets, you will first need to create a new sheet named "Crypto Prices" and then paste the following code into the sheet:

=GOOGLEFINANCE("BTC_USD", "open", "high", "low")

This will return the current price of Bitcoin in US dollars. To track the price of other cryptocurrencies, you will need to replace BTC_USD with the appropriate currency symbol.

How to add cryptocurrency prices to Google Sheets in minutes

To add cryptocurrency prices to Google Sheets, follow these steps:

Sign in to your Google Sheets account. Click on the "Create a new sheet" button in the top right corner of the spreadsheet. In the "Name" field, type "Cryptocurrency Prices." In the "Type" field, select "Google Spreadsheet." In the "Data source" field, type "Cryptocurrency exchanges." In the "Cryptocurrency prices" field, type the prices of the cryptocurrency you want to track. Click on the "Create sheet" button.

You're now ready to start tracking your cryptocurrency prices!

Get real-time crypto prices in

Get real-time crypto prices in Google Sheets with this method

If you want to keep track of crypto prices in real-time, you can use a Google Sheet to do so. You can find a copy of the sheet here.

To start tracking prices, enter the symbol for the cryptocurrency you want to track into the "Symbol" column. Next, enter the price of the cryptocurrency in the "Price" column. To keep track of the current price, you can use the "Percent Change" column to toggle between displaying the current value and the change since the last update.

You can also use the "Data" tab to import data from To do so, click on the "Import data" button and select the CSV file you wish to use.

Never miss a fluctuation: add crypto prices to your Google Sheets

If you're keeping track of the prices of cryptocurrencies in Google Sheets, you can easily add them to your data analysis. Simply select the "Sheets" tab in your Google Sheets account, search for "cryptocurrencies," and select the relevant columns to include in your spreadsheet.

Comments (5):

Thomas Byrne
Thomas Byrne
This is an excellent way to keep track of crypto prices on a daily basis.
Abigail O'Kelly
Abigail O'Kelly
This is an incredibly helpful article if you're interested in tracking the value of cryptocurrencies.
Poppy Roberts
Poppy Roberts
This is an incredibly helpful article if you're interested in tracking the value of cryptocurrencies.
Jacob Byrne
Jacob Byrne
I found this article useful as it provides a way to track crypto prices on a daily basis.
William Taylor
William Taylor
This is an excellent way to keep track of crypto prices and see how they've changed over time.

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