
Crypto Prices Last Year

A look at how cryptocurrency prices have fluctuated over the last year.

Bitcoin and Ethereum Price Analysis

Bitcoin and Ethereum Price Analysis

Bitcoin and Ethereum Price analysis.

Bitcoin Price Analysis: Bitcoin Price rallies past $7,000

Ethereum Price Analysis: Ethereum Price rallies past $500

The price of Bitcoin has surged past $7,000 and Ethereum is rallying past $500. What's behind this rally?

Bitcoin Price Rally

Bitcoin prices have rallied sharply in the past few days, with prices surging past the $7,000 mark on Wednesday. The reason for this rally appears to be a combination of factors, including growing investor confidence and renewed interest from institutional investors.

The Bitcoin price surge appears to be supported by strong demand from global investors, with global trade data showing that the value of Bitcoin transactions is increasing rapidly. This suggests that investors are increasingly confident in the future of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market as a whole.

Ethereum Price Rally

Ethereum prices have also surged in the past few days, with prices reaching a high of $505 on Wednesday. The reason for this rally appears to be a combination of factors, including increasing investor confidence and renewed interest from institutional investors.

The Ethereum price surge appears to be supported by strong demand from global investors, with global trade data showing that the value of Ethereum transactions is increasing rapidly. This suggests that investors are increasingly confident in the future of Ethereum and the cryptocurrency market as a whole.

The Top 10 Cryptocurrencies of 2020

1. Bitcoin

2. Ethereum

3. Ripple

4. Bitcoin Cash

5. Litecoin

6. EOS

7. Cardano

8. NEO


10. Tron

Bitcoin Price Rally Continues as Crypto Market Grows

The Bitcoin price rally continues as the crypto market grows.

Bitcoin continued to rally on Sunday, rising above $8,000 for the first time in a month. The digital currency has now increased by more than 10% over the past seven days, reaching an all-time high of $8,378.

Overall, the crypto market has grown by more than 20% over the past seven days, with Bitcoin leading the charge.

Some experts believe that the Bitcoin price rally is still in its early stages, and that further growth is possible.

“I think there’s still a lot of upside potential for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. I think we’ll see a lot more gains in the next few months as the market continues to grow and more people get involved,” said Vinny Lingham, CEO of Civic.

The Bitcoin price rally has been welcomed by many crypto investors, who see it as a sign that the market is still growing. The price of Bitcoin has increased significantly since the beginning of the year, but some analysts believe that the market could reach even higher levels in the future.

Ethereum Price Hits New All-Ti

Ethereum Price Hits New All-Time High

Ethereum price hit a new all-time high of $1,360.12 on the Bitfinex exchange on Sunday, September 16th. This was the fifth consecutive day of gains for Ethereum, and its price has now increased by more than 50% over the past month.

The Ethereum price spike is in part due to the growing interest in the Ethereum network as a means of conducting transactions and settling contracts. The Ethereum network is able to process more transactions than any other blockchain platform, and its popularity is likely to continue to grow as more businesses and developers adopt it.

Ethereum is currently the second most valuable cryptocurrency after Bitcoin, and its price is expected to continue to grow in the near future.

Bitcoin Price Surpasses $20,000

On Sunday, August 5, the Bitcoin price surpassed the $20,000 mark for the first time. This significant milestone reflects the growing popularity of Bitcoin and the increasing demand for this digital currency.

Bitcoin has experienced a dramatic increase in value over the past year, soaring from just $1,000 to over $20,000. This rapid growth has attracted a number of new investors, who are looking to invest in this innovative and growing technology.

Many experts believe that the Bitcoin price will continue to grow in value over the long term, as it offers unique benefits and features that other digital currencies do not possess.

Overall, this recent surge in the Bitcoin price is indicative of the growing popularity of this innovative technology.

Crypto Prices Last Year: A Look Back

Cryptocurrencies are unique in that their prices are not always based on fundamental validation metrics such as market cap or user adoption. Instead, they are often dictated by supply and demand, with the latter being largely driven by speculation.

To help illustrate this point, we took a look back at some of the most popular cryptocurrencies last year and charted their prices against their respective market caps.


Bitcoin's price peaked at $19,783.06 on December 17, 2017 before crashing to under $6,000 a few weeks later. Its market cap at the time was just over $120 billion.


Ethereum's price peaked at $1,432.30 on December 17, 2017 before crashing to under $200 a few weeks later. Its market cap at the time was just over $30 billion.

Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash's price peaked at $2,839.01 on December 18, 2017 before crashing to under $1,000 a few weeks later. Its market cap at the time was just over $10 billion.


Litecoin's price peaked at $451.38 on December 17, 2017 before crashing to under $50 a few weeks later. Its market cap at the time was just over $8 billion.

Comments (7):

Poppy O'Sullivan
Poppy O'Sullivan
Cryptocurrencies are not backed by anything, and their value is based on speculation.
Robert O'Kelly
Robert O'Kelly
Cryptocurrencies are not backed by any institution or country.
Abigail O'Sullivan
Abigail O'Sullivan
Cryptocurrencies are volatile and can be a risky investment.
Mia Taylor
Mia Taylor
Cryptocurrencies are not legal tender, and their value may be subject to market fluctuations.
Jack O'Neill
Jack O'Neill
Cryptocurrencies are not subject to government regulation.
Charles Williams
Charles Williams
Cryptocurrencies are not subject to taxation.
Robert Roberts
Robert Roberts
Cryptocurrencies are not insured by the government, and their value may be at risk.

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